
Features and Types of Wooden Kitchen Cabinets
Wooden cabinets are beautiful, and this material will elevate the look of any kitchen. The appearance of your space will improve drastically, and with all of the different choices that are available, you will get the results you are after.
When looking at the different options of wooden kitchen cabinets, you need to consider their key features so that you can make the right choice. Look at the natural characteristics of wood cabinets and the unique characteristics of individual woods so that you purchase the right wood type for your kitchen. If you’re interested in wooden cabinets, the following guide will help you make an informed decision:
Cherry wood
These cabinets have red undertones but can vary in colour from white all the way to a deep rich brown. Cherry wood has a smooth appearance that is close-grained and has a fairly uniform texture with random markings. Finishes can be applied with ease because of the even grain that allows for this.
Maple wood
If you love white or cream-coloured cabinets, these cabinets are ideal. There are the occasional reddish-brown tones that you can get within a cabinet door panel, and the subtle grain pattern of Maple wood allows for a smooth and uniform appearance.
Oak wood
These cabinets will have distinct grain patterns and generally range from white to pink and reddish tones colour-wise. Sometimes, streaks of green, yellow and also black can appear because of the mineral deposits in the wood.
Alder wood
These cabinets have light brown and reddish undertones, and the straight and even-textured wood grain have distinct boundaries between the heartwood and sapwood.
Hickory wood
These cabinets have a naturally contrasting appearance because of the heartwood and sapwood from this wood. In terms of colour, this can range from blonde or white and even reddish-brown or dark brown.
Birch wood
If you’re looking for a tight wood grain that is strong and heavy, these cabinets are perfect. They have a smooth surface texture, and the predominant sapwood colour of birch is white to creamy yellow, whereas the heartwood will vary from medium to dark brown or a reddish-brown.
Walnut wood
These cabinets have a smooth and generally straight wood grain that is fine, and the colours range from deep chocolate to light reddish-gray brown. You will get a graceful grain pattern and muted brown hues.
Pecan wood
These cabinets also range from blonde to reddish-brown and dark brown, and these dramatic wood colours within each piece is a result of this wood type’s heartwood and sapwood.
Envyland Kitchen will help you select the right cabinets, and our team will guide you through the different options so that you make informed decisions. Whether you’re looking for granite countertops, kitchen cabinets or quartz countertops, we can help, so if you are in Oakville or Brampton, contact us today!

Envyland Kitchen is proud to be one of the best and most reliable providers of kitchen cabinets and kitchen countertops in Canada.
Envyland Kitchen is proud to be one of the best and most reliable providers of kitchen cabinets and kitchen countertops in Canada.
Envyland Kitchen is proud to be one of the best and most reliable providers of kitchen cabinets and kitchen countertops in Canada.
2861 Sherwood Heights Drive, Unit 30
Oakville, ON L6J 7K1
Monday - Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm
Sunday: Closed